mineral and rock

on Monday, August 9, 2010

geology museums

Today the museum continuous to develop into a center for engaging visitor in developing a deeper understanding the dynamic world in which we live. our mineral , rock and fossil collection have the power to educate and inspire visitors in all of age.


Minerals are substance that are formed naturally in the earth . Minerals must be solid, inorganic, have a crystal structure, and happen naturally (by themselves). A mineral can be made of single chemical element or more usually a compound. There are over 4,000 types of known minerals. Two common minerals are quarzt and feldspar.Minerals are different from rock

mineral classification

Minerals are broadly classified in to two categories: Silicate and non-Silicate minerals.

Silicate Minerals
The most commonly found group of mineral in the Earth's crust is the silicate group. Almost all silicate minerals have silicon and oxygen as their primary components. Most silicate minerals are formed by the cooling of molten rocks. As the molten rocks come closer to the surface inside the Earth's crust, they start cooling very fast and combine with the most abundant element in the Earth's crust, silicon. Silicate minerals constitute approximately 90% of the Earth's crust. Fayalite (Fe2SiO4)Zircon (ZrSiO4), Enstatite (MgSiO3), Ferrosilite (FeSiO3) are some examples of sulphate minerals.

Non-Silicate Minerals
  • There is a complete range of non-silicate minerals. Some of these minerals are formed when there is cooling of magma, while some others are formed when water in them evaporates, or due to minerals decomposition. The non-silicates can be further classified in to different groups which are: elements, oxides, carbonates, sulphates, and many more which are not commonly found naturally. Most of these groups have their own sub-categories. But, let us discuss these groups first:
  • :elements Many pure elements are found in the form of minerals in ores or mines. For example, uncombined carbon is often found in its pure state in the form of graphite or more rarely as diamond. Gold, silver and sulfur are other elements which are also found in its pure state. Even though these are pure elements they qualify to be known as minerals, but no chemical process is required on them further.
  • oxide: When an ore is found in which one or more elements are combined with oxygen, it is an oxide mineral. These may have chemical formulas of type XO (MgO, ZnO, CuO, etc.), X2O (Cu2O), X2O3 (Al2O3, Fe2O3), XO2 (MnO2, SnO2) and XY2O4 (MgAl2O4, FeCr2O4). The oxide minerals, are mostly of metallic elements. Example: hematite, magnetite, cuprite. Silicates and oxides are the most common types of minerals in volcanoes, especially after an eruption.
  • Carbonates: The carbonate type of minerals are formed when a single carbonate ion (CO32-) reacts with a metal ion of complementing polarity. Example: siderite (FeCO3), smithsonite (ZnCO3), calcite (CaCO3). Carbonate minerals are used in making cement and other bonding material.
  • Sulphates: The mineral class which includes the sulfate ion (SO42-) within its molecular structure, is categorized as sulphate mineral. Minerals like Gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) and Barite (BaSO4) are examples of sulphate minerals.
  • Organic Minerals: This class of minerals include biogenic substances, genesis or origin of which can be attributed to a geological processes. Organic minerals include all types of oxalates, mellitates, citrates, cyanates, acetates, formates, hydrocarbons, etc. Example of organic mineral includes whewellite, moolooite, mellite, fichtelite, carpathite, evenkite and abelsonite.


  • Endangered species are species animals or plants that are facing the threat of becoming extinct.Examples of endangered species of animals are the orang utan,rhinoceros,tapir,giant panda and elephant. Examples of endangered species of plants are rafflesia and pitcher plants. Many species of animals and plants become endangered species because of human activities.Human activities that cause the species to become extinct include
  1. illegal and excessive logging
  2. illegal and excessive hunting
  3. excessive development

The road not taken

on Thursday, August 5, 2010

two road diverged in a yellow wood,
and sorry i could not travel both
and be one traveler,long i stood
and looked down one as far as i could
to where it bent in the undergrowth;

then took the other,as just as fair,
and having perhaps the better claim,
because it was grassy and wanted wear;
though as for that the passing there
had worn them really about the same,


Examples of fungi are mould and yeast
mould can be found on the rotten food,mouldy bread, trees and forest floors.



Technology gives us many advantages.
Examples of the advantages of technology are as shown below

  • machines help to increase productivity in agriculture
  • modern transport enables us to travel faster and more conveniently
  • invention of modern communication enables us to communicate with other people in any place of the world.
  • machines help to increase productivity and reduce cost in factories.

Technology also brings disadvantages to mankind and the environment
Examples of disadvantages of technology are as shown below

  • factories release toxic gases and waste products that cause air and water pollution
  • oil spills cause the extinction of aquatic life
  • excessive logging activities with modern tools cause the extinction of living things and the destruction of the environment
  • the increasing use of resources such as petroleum causes the depletion of natural resources
  • the invention of destructive weapons causes destruction of property and kills many people


on Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A robot is a machine. It can be programmed to carry out different functions. It is designed to carry out tasks repeatedly, with speed and accuracy. Robots are often used in industries which involve heavy work or repetitive work and in the handling of hazardous materials.
Robots can be used in environments where it is risky for humans. For example, in deep mines where the air quality is bad or where there is a danger of tunnel collapse.
Robots can also be used in situations where the work to be done is repetitive because they do not encounter problems of boredom or fatigue.
Robots are more suitable where the work is tedious or the hour are long. Robots also do the work of many people engaged in a task. This will save on human labour.
Robots can work at a higher level of accuracy and consistency for a longer period than a person can. It is easier for a company therefore. to calculate productivity rates if robots are used. Furthermore, the quality of the products would be more consistent, and quality control in such a factory would be an easier task.
There are different types of robots. The vast majority of robots do not look anything like a human being.
Some types of robots exhibited in this exhibition are cleaner Bots for home user,Spider Bots for space explorations, Rescue Bots for emergency rescue work and Battle Bots to be used in
Robots can also be used in urban search and rescue(USAR) operations which is the rescue of people trapped under collapsed man-made structures, due to the earthquakes and bombing. Robots can go beyond the reach and sences of recue workers and help locate trapped survivors more quickly and safely.


on Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The air is wet,soaks
Into mattresses,and curls
In apparitions of smoke.
Like fat white slugs furled
Among the timber,
Or silver fish tunneling
The damp linen covers
Of schoolbooks,or working
Quietly like centipedes,
The air walking everywhere
On its hundred feet
Is filled with the glare
On tropical water.

Again we are taken over
By clouds and rolling darkness.
Small snails appear
Clashing their timid horns
Among the morning glory


Cigarette smoke can be more hazardous to non- smokers than to the smokes themselves.


  • lung cancer
  • eye irritation
  • headache
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • asthma
  • dizziness
  • respiratory disease
  • miscarriages
  • babies being born with a low birth weight
How to quit smoking
  • Nico stop- from of patches
  • Quit -Ezy -herbal tablet
Effort to curb smoking :-
  1. law stating that vendors are not allowed to sell cigarettes to anyone under the age of 18
  2. put pictures of disease lungs caused by smoking
  3. use poster- educate the public about toxic substance in cigarettes
  4. campaigns -particularly in schools
Reason why people stop smoking

  1. symptoms of illness-tired and could not concentrate
  2. peer pressure - people avoid to the smoker (bad breath)
  3. effect of government measures - government imposed a ban on cigarette advertisements


on Sunday, August 1, 2010

The rivers and seas have been us as dumping grounds for all kinds of waste materials. We throw rubbish into the drains that lead to the rivers.Water pollution affects plants and organisms living in these bodies of water ; and, in almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to individual species and populations, but also to the natural biological communities.
Factories dispose of their waste materials into the rivers.

Garbage strewn across a sandy area

These waste materials contain toxic and poisonous substances.The rivers and sea can become polluted.The poisonous waste material can kill fish. Since we also depend on our rivers and sea for food,our health can be affected if we eat fish from polluted waters. Sometimes oil from ships spills into the seas and oceans. The oil not only pollutes the seas and the oceans but pollutes the beaches too. This can destroy the habitat of water organisms.

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