on Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Cigarette smoke can be more hazardous to non- smokers than to the smokes themselves.


  • lung cancer
  • eye irritation
  • headache
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • asthma
  • dizziness
  • respiratory disease
  • miscarriages
  • babies being born with a low birth weight
How to quit smoking
  • Nico stop- from of patches
  • Quit -Ezy -herbal tablet
Effort to curb smoking :-
  1. law stating that vendors are not allowed to sell cigarettes to anyone under the age of 18
  2. put pictures of disease lungs caused by smoking
  3. use poster- educate the public about toxic substance in cigarettes
  4. campaigns -particularly in schools
Reason why people stop smoking

  1. symptoms of illness-tired and could not concentrate
  2. peer pressure - people avoid to the smoker (bad breath)
  3. effect of government measures - government imposed a ban on cigarette advertisements
Ranking: 5

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