on Saturday, September 28, 2013

    Our world today is facing serious pollution.Pollution is a serious issue giving rise to many forms of polllution in the environment.We have begun to slowly destroy our earth.We must do something to save the earth.
     We must start by recycling to save our environment.We can start by doing simple things.Educate the young from early age to inculcate these good habits so that the earth will last for a long time for the future genarations.
      We must reduce our waste.Do not buy unnecessary things.Do not throw away disposable things.Think of ways to reuse them.For examples,we can use jam jars as containers for drink.Make an effort to sort out the garbage so that they can be sent to recycling centres or collection points.


     One of the reason why teenagers smoke is to try to make themselves look older.Some way think that smoking or chewing tobacco makes them more hip or good looking,like a movie star or a famous baseball player.Another reason is to seem cool in front of their friends.And some say that smoking helps them to relax.In actual fact,smoking actually raises their blood pressure and makes their heart beat faster.
    Others may think it is all right to smoke because people in their family do.Sometimes it may seem like everyone is using tobacco,so it cannot be that bad.The sad fact is they do not realise how poisonous and dangerous tobacco is.
     When people try smoking for the first time,they often cough a lot and feel pain or a burning sensation in their throat and lungs.This is because the body is being smart.The lungs are trying to protect the smokers and telling them to keep the lungs smoke-free.However,this is often not heeded.And so the teenagers get stuck to the cigarette.

meteor shower

 it was happened in malaysia on 2013 before this.

solar eclipse


on Monday, August 26, 2013

1) Unicellular organisms are organisms that consist of only one cell
Examples of unicellular organisms are amoeba,chlamydomonas,paramecium,euglena,yeast and pleurococcus.





2) Multicellular organisms are organisms which consist of many cells
Examples of multicellular organisms are hydra,spirogyra animals and plants.



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