on Friday, January 17, 2014

A smoker can easily be identified in any group. Not only does he reek of stale smoke,he also has bad breath,much to the dread of non-smokers.However, the effects of smoking are far more insidious than the offensive smell associated with smokers.
Cigarette smoke contains many toxic substances like carbon monoxide,nicotine and carcinogens that not only cause irreparable damage to the smoker,but also to those around him who inhale the smoke.
Carbon monoxide reduces blood capacity to carry oxygen,thus causing fatigue and painting even with the slightest physical exertion.The lack of oxygen in the body acts as a catalyst that accelerates the aging process,causing wrinkles.
Nicotine contained in cigarette smoke reduces the activity of the brain and nervous system.It also raises the risk of high blood pressure.Nicotine causes the contraction of blood vessels and decrease of blood supply. This ultimately leads to heart attacks.
Smokers are at a higher risk of developing certain kinds of cancers because cigarette smoke contains carcinogens.Long-time smokers often develop cancers of the mouth,larynx and lungs.
Smoking not only endangers the smoker himself but also those who inhale secondary smoke-smoke exhaled by smokers. In view of the many dangers of smoking,more smoking cessation programmes should be introduced to smokers.


on Thursday, January 2, 2014

Who does not want beautiful skin clean , smooth supple and certainly makes each person is male or female captive . Actually , not only externally noteworthy , but inner beauty factors that actually evokes an aura of radiance naturally without having to use a branded product and is sold at a price too expensive . So , why do not you try some of the foods that can serve as a daily routine for long lasting beauty .

1 ) berry

Vitamin C is an important factor to get beautiful skin and berries have it. Out of strawberry to black berries , vitamins contained in it will help build collagen fibers so that the skin look younger . Antioxidants are also very high in berries also help overcome the problem of inflammation if you take some strawberry smoothie every day , it is sufficient to source healthy skin .

2 ) cereals


Although cereal is low on the glycemic index cause a rise in blood sugar , but it also helps in maintaining youthful , healthy appearance at the moment you try to keep the skin.

3 ) Potato

Potatoes provide the nutrients needed by badan.Kandungan zinc and vitamin C also helps in creating more elastin in the skin , giving the skin a youthful , healthy and fit every time .


help maintain overall skin already face due to high levels of antioxidants to help fight free radicals. That means you will not experience skin problems or premature aging of the skin at a young age .


High protein content in yogurt helps make the skin more elastic . Greek yogurt is said to be very good as it contains much more than 2x the amount of protein and high in fiber as regular yogurt mixture that you makan.Sebagai additional benefits , there are some great flavors and you can be creative by adding some berries or honey to taste a little more.

6 ) avocados

The fruit is not only used in many facial products , but skin and avocado is high in vitamin B. Niacin ( B- 3 ) ​​contained in it helps get the skin smooth , healthy, overcome skin itchy , red or bengkak.Jika you want to try , you can make it a salad , smoothie or as a facial treatment . naturally occurring compounds in avocados that assist in the overall appearance of your skin.


It contains Selenium and Vitamin E , which helps fight free radicals and provide antioxidants for healthy skin . There were also reports claiming cottage cheese can help prevent some types of cancer if eaten as part of a healthy diet plan .


Colorful peppers such as green , yellow, orange and red are not only fun but it also helps prevent wrinkles because peppers contain carotenoids ( antioxidants in peppers ) . In addition, it reduces wrinkles so skin looks younger, good and healthy if consumed on a continuous basis .


Essential fatty acids are found in foods that help maintain cell membranes and helps to remove harmful toxins from tubuh.Ia help maintain water needed to be more healthy skin not only in the face , but the whole body . In addition , healthy oils and fats in nuts are said to be bad for your heart , maintain a healthy weight where everyone wants.


Signs and symptoms of Myelofibrosis

Myelofibrosis is recognized as the sum kanser blood or bone marrow disorders, rare and difficult dikesan you indulge symptoms and stage of the disease berbeza.Pengidap strength disability in the bone marrow that leads to excess or deficiency of various blood cells.
Signs and symptoms of Myelofibrosis:
1) Full Flavor dikaitakan in the abdomen with an enlarged spleen (splenomegaly)
2) Bone Pain
3) Easy bruising and bleeding due to prevailing shortage of platelets
4) Lethargy
5) Easy rdang exposed to outbreaks such as the lungs and diarrhea.
6) Pale and breathless when beriadah due to anemia
7) As a result of changing levels of high cell dizziness, hyperuricemia (high uric acids content in the body) and may add to the complications of gout

source: Berita Harian.


Gum disease and diabetes prevention is better than cure .

Through visits and follow-up to the dental , gum disease can be controlled and will be lowering levels of sugar in this darah.Perubahan same as if a person with diabetes is not controlled , the addition of another type of medication will help .
With healthy gums , blood sugar control in good condition, it will reduce the risk of complications diabetis.Dibantu with weight control and exercise continued . We will be in good health .
However , prevention is still better than cure . Gum disease can actually be prevented . Prevention includes oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste and floss gigi.Teknik berflourida toothbrush should be used to effectively remove plaque and not harm the gums and teeth .
Also, consult dentist regularly is important to detect the disease at an early stage or track back if the disease is left untreated dating again .
Therefore, the dentist made ​​the meeting, as part of a healthy lifestyle and also as important as regular visits to the doctor perubatan.Mulut is part of the body and it is very relevant .

source:berita harian.


on Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Green Apples is synonymous with the daily diet to manage their health.But, many do not know that apple green is very nutritious for everyone not just those that want to diet. Eating green apple each day helps to keep their healty.Epal also often made ​​of juice

Benefits of Green Apple:

1 ) Foods high in fiber

2 ) Containing Carbohydrates

- carbohydrate content in green apple gives us a feeling of fullness .

3 ) A rich source of minerals and vitamins

Green apple contains iron, magnesium , potassium , calcium , soldium , vitamin C , vitamin A and vitamin B as well as a source of soluble fiber . This resource helps to increase oxygen in the blood and protects the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals as well as help one to keep the skin glowing from within .

Green apple helped to prevent some health and disease.Green apple can help prevent :

 Construction of cholesterol in the blood vessel wall .
 Reduce the risk of heart disease .
 Assist membrane lung health .
 Assist bone health by adding chemicals ( boron ) on bone mineral density.
 Assist with maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system blood cholesterol levels.
 Helps maintain weight .
 Reduce stress asthma.
 Reduce risk of cancer

Overall, very good green apple for health and skin.It contain a variety of vitamins and minerals , carbohydrates and high fiber . healthy diet and prevent is better than secure.Lets take green apple in your daily diet!
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