on Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Green Apples is synonymous with the daily diet to manage their health.But, many do not know that apple green is very nutritious for everyone not just those that want to diet. Eating green apple each day helps to keep their healty.Epal also often made ​​of juice

Benefits of Green Apple:

1 ) Foods high in fiber

2 ) Containing Carbohydrates

- carbohydrate content in green apple gives us a feeling of fullness .

3 ) A rich source of minerals and vitamins

Green apple contains iron, magnesium , potassium , calcium , soldium , vitamin C , vitamin A and vitamin B as well as a source of soluble fiber . This resource helps to increase oxygen in the blood and protects the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals as well as help one to keep the skin glowing from within .

Green apple helped to prevent some health and disease.Green apple can help prevent :

 Construction of cholesterol in the blood vessel wall .
 Reduce the risk of heart disease .
 Assist membrane lung health .
 Assist bone health by adding chemicals ( boron ) on bone mineral density.
 Assist with maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system blood cholesterol levels.
 Helps maintain weight .
 Reduce stress asthma.
 Reduce risk of cancer

Overall, very good green apple for health and skin.It contain a variety of vitamins and minerals , carbohydrates and high fiber . healthy diet and prevent is better than secure.Lets take green apple in your daily diet!
Ranking: 5

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